which inspires the
Women and Girls
in your life to
- make HERstory
- CRUSH Gender Norms
Art-inspired gifts for the Women & Girls who have never seen anyone who looks, thinks & dreams like them.
Who do you want to empower in your life?
Art for Girls & Tweens
There are still so many places in the world where Girls are told they have to be Mothers, Wives, or Teachers...
which is fantastic if that's what they choose to be. If you’d like to broaden a young Girl’s vision so they can see all the options, not just the options society often limits them to, then explore more!
Art for Teens
Our teen years are the stage where we start to really carve out our identity and really shape how we see ourselves.
It's hard to lead a trailblazing life when you've never seen anyone who looks like you do it before and the whole world seems to be saying, "That's not what Girls/Women do." Ready to challenge the norm?
Art for Women
Wanna crush gender stereotypes once and for all?!? Join me...
I know what it feels like to walk a daily path laden with misogyny, sexism, and inequality. So, ENOUGH ALREADY! I believe Women are the most BAD-ASS humans around and my art speaks to that powerful belief in all things Female.

Discover HERstory
Did you know there is a hidden date in every piece which relates to an inspiring Women in HERstory?
Girls and Women can’t be what they can’t see.
Let’s show them what they can aspire towards!

APRIL 19, 1967
Kathrine Switzer
First Female in the Boston Marathon
On April 19, 1967, 20-year-old Kathrine Switzer made herstory when she became the first Woman to officially run in the Boston Marathon, even as race officials tried to physically stop her. She signed her entry form "K. V. Switzer" to obtain a number. By her own estimate, Switzer finished the race in 4:20:00. You can't catch me!
Learn more about HERstory
September 10, 1982
Misty Copeland
ABT's First Black Principal Ballerina
Misty Copeland was born on 09.10.1982. She made HERstory on June 30, 2015 by becoming the first Black Woman promoted to Principal Ballerina in the American Ballet Theatre. Twirl on!
December 22, 2013
Darcy Gaechter
First Woman to Kayak the Amazon River
On December 22, 2013, Darcy Gaechter made herstory by becoming the first female to kayak the Amazon River from source to sea. She wanted her success to become a LOUD voice that boldly told Women, “YES, you CAN do this!" Paddle like a girl.
AUGUST 23, 1890
Hazel Schmoll
The Birth of Hazel Schmoll
Hazel was the first Woman to earn a doctorate degree in botany from the University of Chicago. The year was 1932 & it was a time when most people still thought a woman's primary focus should be finding a husband & marrying rather than pursuing an education.
Hi, I'm She (short for Sheila),
Artist, Parent and fierce believer in the potential of Girls and Women.
I want to change the way the world views and treats Women and Girls. I want to change the way some Women and Girls view themselves! And I want to SLAM the world with HERstory... not history, but HERstory. Because our stories, Women's and Girl's stories, are not told often enough.
Together, we can redefine the rules on what Girls and Women should be.
The new answer? Anything SHE wants.
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5 amazing stories from HERstory
Learn about 5 Women who performed a fantastical feat for the rest of us Ladies! I believe it’s so important for Girls & Women to know that there were so many Ladies before us, fighting for rights that we are privileged to have.
Imagine a world where Women see themselves as leading characters not supporting characters
- We exist for the Girl who wants to start a revolution and change the world.
- We exist for the Woman who is still trying to create Her path in life.
- We exist for the Girl who wants to be a Leader, a CEO, a Politician, a Scientist, and Entrepreneur!
- We exist for the Woman who wants to shatter glass ceilings and get her hands dirty.