Sometimes You Gotta Throw On Your Crown & Let Them Know Who They're Dealing With - Mug
Regular price
a girl like me... “Sometimes You Gotta Throw On Your Crown & Let Them Know Who They're Dealing With."
This is a 15-ounce mug (because let's be candid... 11 ounces is too small.)
Each mug has a slightly "hidden" date somewhere on the print; the date represents a date in history that a woman performed a FANTASTICAL feat!
Find the DATE!
Your feminist friend or lady will be uber INSPIRED every time she sips something delectable from her mug... and she will be reminded of how amazing she really is.
People Will Stare... Make It Worth Their While - Mug
Regular price
a girl like me... “People will stare… make it worth their while.”
So... do you know a girl who has a look that just stops people in their tracks?! I mean, this girl has such a UNIQUE-GIRL-YOU-GOT-IT-GOIN'-ON-OO-LA-LA style! There's just no one else that can touch this girl's look and vibe. And, she wears it well... every single day. She wants the world to know who she is... she's not afraid to speak her mind LOUDLY and CONFIDENTLY, and she's not afraid to wear her style... it's her way of celebrating her outer (and inner) quirks. She screams loudly... "Wear Your Bliss, Wear Your Joy, Wear Who-You-Are!"
This is a 15-ounce mug (because let's be candid... 11 ounces is too small.)
Each mug has a slightly "hidden" date somewhere on the print; the date represents a date in history that a woman performed a FANTASTICAL feat!
Find the DATE!
Your lady will be uber INSPIRED every time she sips something delectable from her mug... and she will be reminded of how amazing she really is.
They Said I Should Learn How To Iron, So I Did. - Mug
Regular price
a girl like me… “they said I should learn how to iron… so I did.”
So... don't you know a girl who is strong and fierce... maybe does cross-fit, and can pump iron with the best of them?! I know soooo many of these awesome girls and ladies. They're everywhere! Walkin' through life, pumpin' their iron, flexin' their muscles, and taking no grief from anyone. Strong girls... they are the BEST.
This is a 15-ounce mug (because let's be candid... 11 ounces is too small.)
Each mug has a slightly "hidden" date somewhere on the print; the date represents a date in history that a woman performed a FANTASTICAL feat!
Find the DATE!
Your lady will be uber INSPIRED every time she sips something delectable from her mug... and she will be reminded of how amazing she really is.
Today I Plan to Smash the Patriarchy... Then Eat a Bit of Chocolate - Mug
Regular price
a girl like me... "Today I plan to smash the patriarchy, then eat a bit of chocolate"
So... this is for the lovely girl who never met a pair of overalls she wasn't immediate friends with... AND who uses her courageous inner spirit to fight inequality in the world. She knows what it feels like to be thought of as "lesser than" simply because she is a girl. She goes out into the world every day and brings her "A-Girl-Game" and sets the world ablaze... but every so often, she encounters sexism, and misogyny.. and she can't for the life of her understand WHY THESE THINGS STILL EXIST?! So, she fights back... STRONGLY, COURAGEOUSLY, and RESPECTFULLY. Then, once she wins a battle or two, she relishes in the delights of a bit of chocolate... Yes... good, sweet chocolate. Sometimes, that's all a girl needs.
This is a 15-ounce mug (because let's be candid... 11 ounces is too small.)
Each mug has a slightly "hidden" date somewhere on the print; the date represents a date in history that a woman performed a FANTASTICAL feat!
Find the DATE!
Your lady will be uber INSPIRED every time she sips something delectable from her mug... and she will be reminded of how amazing she really is.
Dear Cancer, Clearly You've Picked the Wrong Woman to F$#& With. - Mug
Regular price
a girl like me... "Dear Cancer, Clearly You've Picked the Wrong Woman to F$#& With."
So... this mug is for all the women who've been dealt the dreaded "cancer card" and courageously walked right on through it. Take that, cancer!
This is a 15-ounce mug (because let's be candid... 11 ounces is too small.)
Each mug has a slightly "hidden" date somewhere on the print; the date represents a date in history that a woman performed a FANTASTICAL feat!
Find the DATE!
Your girl or lady will be uber INSPIRED every time she sips something delectable from her mug... and she will be reminded of how brave and courageous she really is.
Princess? No Just Call Me Doctor - Mug
Regular price
a girl like me... “princess? no… just call me Doctor.”
So... do you know a girl or do you have a daughter or do you have a friend who worked uber hard and can now call herself "Doctor?" The kind of girl with BIG dreams that not only thinks about them but MAKES THEM HAPPEN! She's fierce, smart, determined, and walks confidently through life... and even when she feels a bit insecure, she never lets others see it... because, she knows deep within, that she's got this.
This is a 15-ounce mug (because let's be candid... 11 ounces is too small.)
Each mug has a slightly "hidden" date somewhere on the print; the date represents a date in history that a woman performed a FANTASTICAL feat!
Find the DATE!
Your lady will be uber INSPIRED every time she sips something delectable from her mug... and she will be reminded of how amazing she really is.
Sometimes You Gotta Throw On Your Crown & Let Them Know Who They're Dealing With - Mug
Regular price
a girl like me... “Sometimes You Gotta Throw On Your Crown & Let Them Know Who They're Dealing With."
This is a 15-ounce mug (because let's be candid... 11 ounces is too small.)
Each mug has a slightly "hidden" date highlighting a REMARKABLE Woman.
Find the DATE!
Your feminist friend or lady will be uber INSPIRED every time she sips something delectable from her mug... and she will be reminded of how amazing she really is.
Sometimes You Gotta Throw On Your Crown - Mug
Regular price
Sometimes You Gotta Throw on Your Crown and Let Them Know Who They're Dealing With.
* This is a 15-ounce mug (because let's be candid... 11 ounces is too small.) * Each mug has a slightly "hidden" date highlighting a REMARKABLE Woman. * Find the DATE!
Your feminist friend or lady will be uber INSPIRED every time she sips something delectable from her mug... and she will be reminded of how amazing she really is.
There's No Force More Powerful Than a Woman Determined to Change the World - Mug
Regular price
There's No Force More Powerful Than a Woman Determined to Change the World.
This is a 15-ounce mug (because let's be candid... 11 ounces is too small.)
Each mug has a slightly "hidden" date somewhere on the print; the date represents a date in history that a woman performed a FANTASTICAL feat!
Find the DATE!
Your lady will be uber INSPIRED every time she sips something delectable from her mug... and she will be reminded of how amazing she really is.
I Am A Mother. What's Your Superpower? - Mug
Regular price
I Am A Mother. What's Your Superpower? "
This is a 15-ounce mug (because let's be candid... 11 ounces is too small.)
Each mug has a slightly "hidden" date in the design highlighting a REMARKABLE Woman.
Find the DATE and discover HERstory!
Your Mom will be uber INSPIRED every time she sips something delectable from her mug... and she will be reminded of how amazing she really is.
In Her Land, Queens Rule and Kings Watch the Children - Mug
Regular price
In Her Land, Queens Rule and Kings Watch the Children.
This is a 15-ounce mug (because let's be candid... 11 ounces is too small.)
Each mug has a slightly "hidden" date somewhere on the print; the date represents a date in history that a woman performed a FANTASTICAL feat!
Find the DATE!
Your feminist friend or lady will be uber INSPIRED every time she sips something delectable from her mug... and she will be reminded of how amazing she really is.