I Am A Black Woman. What's Your Superpower? - Journal
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a girl like me… “I am a black woman… what’s your superpower?”
So... don't you know a lady who spreads black-girl-magic wherever she roams? A girl or lady who always manages to get it done, with seemingly little effort, all while maintaining her composure, her patience, and her super-woman-badass-spirit. And, always looking FANTASTICAL while doing her thing. Being a female IS a superpower... being a black female is a superpower on steroids. Make sure every girl and woman knows that!
The journal has a soft-cover, elegant gold spirals, 60 college-ruled sheets (120 pages) with a digital print of my original mixed media painting.
The journal measures 5.5(w) x 8.5(h) (it's sized to throw in your purse or backpack so you can jot down notes and essential tidbits at any time!)
Each journal has a slightly "hidden" date in the design; find the date, then scan the QR code on the back cover to discover HERstory!
Your girl or lady will be uber INSPIRED every time she looks at the cover... and she will be reminded of how amazing she really is.
She Lived Happily Ever After In Her Own Castle - Journal
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a girl like me... “She lived happily ever after in her own castle that she tended with her own money, and she took care of herself… the end.”
So... don't you know a girl who is independent and relishes taking care of herself?! The kind of girl who needs NO ONE to help her walk through life... she may "want" a partner, but she doesn't "need" a partner. She can do it ALL herself. This cool print will remind your girlfriend, sister, mother, daughter, or friend every single day what a WONDER WOMAN she really is... walking through life all on her own... building her own castle... and paying for it with her own money... because that's the way she likes it. For now, anyway...
The journal has a soft-cover, elegant gold spirals, 60 college-ruled sheets (120 pages) with a digital print of my original mixed media painting.
The journal measures 5.5(w) x 8.5(h) (it's sized to throw in your purse or backpack so you can jot down notes and essential tidbits at any time!)
Each journal has a slightly "hidden" date in the design; find the date, then scan the QR code on the back cover to discover HERstory!
Your girl will be reminded of how strong, self-sufficient, and freakin' powerful she is every time she looks at the cover...
Sometimes You Gotta Rock to Your Own Rainbow - Journal
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“Sometimes You Gotta Rock to Your Own Rainbow... No Matter the Color.”
So... don't you know someone who lives their life in a sparkling array of rainbows? Someone who exudes a very COLORFUL spirit every time you meet them? Someone who has a spirit unlike ANYONE ELSE and isn't afraid to revel in it?! This journal was made just for that person.
The journal has a soft-cover, elegant gold spirals, 60 college-ruled sheets (120 pages) with a digital print of my original mixed media painting.
The journal measures 5.5(w) x 8.5(h) (it's sized to throw in your purse or backpack so you can jot down notes and essential tidbits at any time!)
Each journal has a slightly "hidden" date in the design; find the date, then scan the QR code on the back cover to discover HERstory!
Be Careful Not To Trip Over My Amazingness… It’s Everywhere - Journal
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“Be Careful Not To Trip Over My Amazingness… It’s Everywhere.”
So... don't you know a girl who wears her AMAZINGNESS in such a big and bold way?! Or maybe a daughter, girlfriend, or sister who is truly amazing, but she doesn't often know that she is... this cool journal will remind her every single day how AMAZING she really is.
The journal has a soft-cover, elegant gold spirals, 60 college-ruled sheets (120 pages) with a digital print of my original mixed media painting.
The journal measures 5.5(w) x 8.5(h) (it's sized to throw in your purse or backpack so you can jot down notes and essential tidbits at any time!)
Each journal has a slightly "hidden" date in the design; find the date, then scan the QR code on the back cover to discover HERstory!
If They Don't Give You a Seat at the Table - Journal
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"If They Don't Give You a Seat at the Table, Bring a Folding Chair."
Inspiration: Shirley Chisholm was born on 30.November.1924, & she transformed HERstory. As the 1st Black Woman elected to the U.S. Congress, the 1st Black candidate for a major-party nomination for President of the United States, & the 1st Woman to run for the Democratic Party's nomination, she inspired countless individuals. “I want to be remembered as a Woman... who dared to be a catalyst for change.” She was that and more! ♀️♀️♀️
** Scan QR code on back to discover HERstory. **
Each journal has a slightly "hidden" date in the design; find the date, then scan the QR code on the back cover to discover HERstory!
The journal has a soft-cover, elegant gold spirals, 60 college-ruled sheets (120 pages) with a digital print of my original mixed media painting.
The journal measures 5.5(w) x 8.5(h) (it's sized to throw in your purse or backpack so you can jot down notes and essential tidbits at any time!)stat
Sugar and Spice and Equal F@&king Rights - Journal
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"Sugar and Spice and Equal F@&king Rights."
Inspiration: On 05.10.1872, Victoria Woodhull boldly made HERstory by becoming the first Woman to run for President of the United States as the candidate for the Equal Rights Party. Her groundbreaking achievement paved the way for future generations. Yes, she did! ♀️♀️♀️
** Scan QR code on back to discover HERstory. **
Each journal has a slightly "hidden" date in the design; find the date, then scan the QR code on the back cover to discover HERstory!
The journal has a soft-cover, elegant gold spirals, 60 college-ruled sheets (120 pages) with a digital print of my original mixed media painting.
The journal measures 5.5(w) x 8.5(h) (it's sized to throw in your purse or backpack so you can jot down notes and essential tidbits at any time!)
I Wasn’t Made to be Subtle 2 - Journal
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“I Wasn’t Made to be Subtle.”
Inspiration: On 01.24.1972, Gloria Steinem made HERstory by receiving a standing ovation for her inspiring speech at the National Press Club. For decades, from 1908 until 1955, Women reporters were unjustly banned from attending any NPC events. While the all-male club reluctantly allowed Women entry after 1955, they were still subjected to degrading conditions, required to bring their own lunches in brown bags & sit silently in the balcony, unable to voice their questions. Meanwhile, male reporters freely dined in the ballroom, empowered to ask any questions they wished. This moment marked a turning point in the fight for equality & the acknowledgment of Women's voices in journalism. ♀️♀️♀️
** Scan QR code on back to discover HERstory. **
Each journal has a slightly "hidden" date in the design; find the date, then scan the QR code on the back cover to discover HERstory!
The journal has a soft-cover, elegant gold spirals, 60 college-ruled sheets (120 pages) with a digital print of my original mixed media painting.
The journal measures 5.5(w) x 8.5(h) (it's sized to throw in your purse or backpack so you can jot down notes and essential tidbits at any time!)
Your girl or lady will be uber INSPIRED every time she looks at the cover... and she will be reminded of how amazing she really is.
Dear Cancer, Clearly You Picked the Wrong Woman to F#$& With. - Journal
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“Dear Cancer, Clearly You Picked the Wrong Woman to F#$& With."
So... this is for all the women out there who've been dealt the dreaded "cancer card" and walked their way right through it. Kick cancer's a$$, ladies!
The journal has a soft-cover, elegant gold spirals, 60 college-ruled sheets (120 pages) with a digital print of my original mixed media painting.
The journal measures 5.5(w) x 8.5(h) (it's sized to throw in your purse or backpack so you can jot down notes and essential tidbits at any time!)
Each journal has a slightly "hidden" date in the design; find the date, then scan the QR code on the back cover to discover HERstory!
Your friend will be uber INSPIRED every time she looks at the cover... and she will be reminded of how brave and awesome she really is.
Just a Gypsy Soul. Wild and Free. - Journal
Regular price
a girl like me... “Just a Gypsy Soul. Wild and Free."
So... this is for all the young ladies and women out there who have a bit of gypsy or boho in their soul... and perhaps in their headdress. Live your wild and free!
The journal has a soft-cover, elegant gold spirals, 60 college-ruled sheets (120 pages) with a digital print of my original mixed media painting.
The journal measures 5.5(w) x 8.5(h) (it's sized to throw in your purse or backpack so you can jot down notes and essential tidbits at any time!)
Each journal has a slightly "hidden" date in the design; find the date, then scan the QR code on the back cover to discover HERstory!
Your girl will be reminded of how wild, free, and freakin' awesome she is every time she peeks at the cover.