I Didn’t Wake Up Today To Be Mediocre 3 - Original
Regular price $101.00“I didn’t wake up today to be mediocre.”
So... this is for the girl who is EXCELLENT, AWESOME, FANTASTICAL... anything BUT mediocre. This girl wakes up every morning and hits the ground running! She knows she has inner-girl-power-excellence, and she uses it to her advantage every single day. There's ZERO room in this girl's life for just being "ok" or "average"... oh no... these words are not in this girl's vocabulary. If you want to be part of her space, you better bring your A-Girl-Game... 'cause that's what she brings to the world every single day.
- I created this Mixed Media painting on an 8 x 10 canvas using acrylics, gelatos, pastels, ink, charcoal, and paper.
- Each painting has a slightly "hidden" date somewhere on the canvas; the date represents a date in history that a woman performed a FANTASTICAL feat!
- The painting is delivered to your door with a custom story describing the inspiring woman and the date she set the world ablaze.
Need it framed? No problem! Just select “Yes - frame please!” on the menu, and I will surround your custom art with a cool looking blue frame. Your girl will look FIERCE and FEISTY!